"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits."

Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5th

A very quick day for me here in the markets. A day-job appt at noon coupled with some other items to which I had to attend left me with only about 20 minutes to paper-trade. I picked up a short opportunity right after I logged on and took it. I gained a quick $101 on SKF before calling it quits for the day. I don't anticipate being back at the computer before the market closes so only one trade today. As I write this and look at the SKF chart, I notice that I covered just before the end of the trend I was riding. Was it a reversal or just a pullback at 10:45? I'll see later when I return from work. Can't wait to get back tonight to the charts to see what happened today... I really love this stuff!


1 for 1, a 100% success rate. $101 gain in 15 minutes of paper-trading.

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