I scalped a couple winners out of X around noon when I had a chance to sign in to the markets for 30 minutes or so.
No thoughts of trend trading today, I'm just trying to put together some winners, small though they are. Positive numbers are good for the psyche!
I'm trying the dulcet tones of Scott Farnham's trading mantra and it seemed to keep me focused while looking for some scalping chances today. I had it set to replay and it kept my mind in the game.
Today is my 44th birthday so these two winners are a present to myself. No losers today for the first time in recent paper-trading memory, and felt great to have them.
I took both scalps off the high-volume, large red candles at 12:00 and 12:10. The 12:25 candle would have been a nice gainer had I held. Chances are I would have stopped it out though as it dropped 16 cents below my entry.
I'm probably just imagining it, but I actually had a sense that the second trade was going to be a nice reversal. The doji into which I sold and the following red candle with the wide price range but a tight open-to-close price were familiar signs of high-probability direction change.
Thanks to Ynvai and Charlie for their recent posts. I got some "pick me up" from them. Good trading to you both!