"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits."

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Our little Maine Coon kitten came to visit me in my office, and I snapped a photo. Not pictured is the little ball; the object of her attention.

March 28

I took last week off from blogging. My results were typical for me... lots of winners coupled with two trades where I didn't use a stop and I closed out for relatively large losses (one over $400 and the other at $1,400). The two losers easily offset my gains and I was down for the week. Had I averaged for better price on both of them by doubling down, I would have made them winners the next day.

I didn't do it, rather I just cut them loose and took the loss. This is part of a program I am attempting to follow: accepting losses, and taking responsibility for not triggering a stoploss by accepting the losses when they are substantial.


Yesterday was pure drollery, so I accepted an offer to meet my sister for a late lunch; 2:30pm. While away, I missed the big drop in the last hour. No matter, I finished with two small but clean winners in TNA.