"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits."

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Today I traded TZA in Mrs. BCT's retirement account and added another $140 to the totals shown in the screen shot.  My trading is limited because the account is not set up for margin.  Hence, funds get locked up for 3 days after I make one move.  Further, I made only one trade in the first two weeks of February.  Yesterday, I had a timely entry in TNA but bailed out far too soon.  I took about $250 from a possible $2300 available to me in the trend I was trading.  I must learn to trust my instincts and manage my desire to take the quick dollar.

ADDENDUM:  I just added a $60 winner in TZA to the $140 in TNA this morning. $200 total today.

Feb 1st - March 4th live trading results