"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits."

Monday, February 23, 2009

Feb 23rd

It was nice to get back on the computer and what a day to be active. I was definitely out of sync with the market, getting off to a horrible start with my first two trades; down $3.89 per share between 10:15 and 10:34 am. It is clear that time away from scalping softens the reflexes and the judgement.
I then went on a recovery streak of 13 for 15 winners; standing then at + 1.71 cents per share (reversal of $5.60 per share)
All for naught... the next two trades were like my first two of the day and I was down again... this time by -$2.17! The SKF, my only trading vehicle for the day, moves exceptionally fast at these levels and can turn on you sharply. There is no excuse when I am "scalping" to allow a loss of over a dollar per share. Simply no excuse. I am NOT trading the ETF, I am scalping it. Gotta be sharp and gotta be quick.
Next four were winners, then it got really ugly; five straight losers totalling - $5.07. If I were trading 1000 share lots, that's 5 losing trades and -$5070 gone. I found myself chasing here...indecision and chasing. Not focusing! By this time, the SKF was up huge on the day and it was just in a chop pattern and that was part of the problem. I was staring at trees and missing the forest. No definitive movement. I made another trade for a gain of .90 cents then shorted the SKF with a longer view in mind. It just felt too over bought here at 1:44 pm. I held on and did some chart study with the IB program minimized to avoid more overtrading. At 2:34 pm, I maximized my IB and OH MY... the bottom had fallen out of SKF and my short was up +$6.29! I quickly covered, having missed the bottom by a significant amount... the absolute botton of this move would have given me about $10.00 per share gain!!!
I went on to make many other trades but none of this impact, even though the reversal back up formed a perfect "Vee," and would have doubled that big gain. I decided to play small ball from her on out and finished the day at +$1.44 per share.
After my week-long absence, I was shooting for active, trial by fire trading today. And what a ride I got. One thing is certain, I am not ready for my real money account... despite my net gain.

30 winners out of 47 trades, a 64% success rate. Net gain = $1.44 per share.

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