"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits."

Friday, April 24, 2009

A day away from the market...

I just returned from the day job and took a look at my overnight SKF long position. It was down quite a bit but off the lows of the day. I did close it out just a bit ago. It appears it was in the money for a few minutes between 10:20 and 10:23. As I blogged this morning, I would have sold it there, had I been able to be in front of the computer. So, that's how that has played out. It really doesn't matter anyway. It is paper-trading, after all. Loss of $27 per share on the trade but would have been about even or slight gain IF I been in front of the computer. Of course, as the old saying goes, "...and if I had wheels, I'd be a bicycle!"
I have the charts up and this blog running but I am not trading. I must attend to business admin deadlines today. In fact, this is one which MUST be done within the next 2.5 hours or I won't have any phone book advertising for my business in 2009-2010! When I state that I have let everything lapse for my time in front of the markets, I assure you I wasn't kidding. Also, I filed an extension on my taxes! Didn't make the time to do them!
As I write this, SKF is making a monster move up (2:00 PM) and now retreating. Now it is nearly at my breakeven point (2:10 pm). I can't take my eyes off the charts... I am obsessed with and haunted by the idea of being a trader for a living...


  1. Ha, I trouble taking the week off. I opened my charts every day but wasn't "obsessed" with it as much as I have been in the past.

    Hey, regarding my other comment on your earlier thread...the only reason I think things are working at my household with the trading, Mrs. Stock Rookie as has been ultra supportive, in part because I've been happier the last several months.

    So if the making money part lags a bit, I will be ok as I found a "hobby" that is reinvigorating me, which makes me a more happy husband and person to live with. The challenge will be putting in just enough energy into keeping my paid work / day job going just enough so that I have adequate time to train, practice and study the profession of trading.

  2. Well done.
    I also have a very supportive spouse who really wants to see this succeed, as she knows how much I loathe my current career.

  3. My spouse-to-be has been very supportive of me as well. She was a bit skeptical at first but with some of my recent success she's been changing her mind.


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