"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits."

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6th Mid-day

Good trades, lost opportunity...
Mrs. Blue Collar and I are both off work today and enjoying the Sunshine finally in Northern New England.
In a short lunch-break while finishing an exterior window trim replacement project, I got a few trades in on OIH. After two stop outs playing for a reversal, I finally did the right thing and go with the rising stock. Picked up 12 cents then sensed a reversal so I sold it. The stock did top out and I took it short about 2 minutes later and got an excellent entry. I covered about 5 minutes later for a 16 cent gain. I then went back up on my porch roof to complete my project and put away my tools. Got back down to the computer and darn it but the stock had fallen, and fallen some more; 82 more cents down from where I got out. I got only 15% of the move. Once again... haste costs me money. The trade was never threatened by a retracement/pullback. Mrs. Blue Collar and I are headed out for a motorcycle ride so I don't expect any more trades on the day.
2 for 4 trades, 50% win rate. Gain of $27 in 30 minutes of live trading.


  1. What was the product you were using for the new window trim?

  2. Went with a solid PVC product made by Veranda with a bituthane membrane behind to seal the window nailing fins which our framing contractor did not seal well when he installed the windows. He was on the verge of bankruptcy and wasn't very interested in quality. We were getting some water coming in when we got a fierce South wind, which isn't very often... thankfully. Originally, I was looking at Azec Trim but Home Depot only carried the Veranda brand. This should stop the leaks and now I can think about new hardwood floors upstairs with the leak sealed (I hope it is sealed). I can't think of where else it could be coming in... Ha!


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