"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits."

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 27th

One lonely paper-trade today.
In between day-job appointments, I had about 15 minutes to stop at the office, eat a late lunch, and catch a glimpse of ERX while I ate a warmed up cheeseburger.
The 2:15 & 2:20 pm volume rush and the corresponding candles with their large wicks but relatively tight open to close ratios spoke of an impending burst of price. I was a shade early but correct in my idea when I took my long. I exited with a gain far too early but I was running late for my second appointment of the day as it was...
The close of the next large candle after the one in which I exited (2:40pm) was an ideal exit point; the big volume spike suggesting a change of direction might be approaching. Alas, I am still a prisoner to my day-job and don't have the skills sharpened enough to merit trading with real-money. However, with every practice trade I approach my goal.

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