"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits."

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 15th into 16th

I watched DRQ for a bit yesterday and took a succession of paper-trade shorts as it approached its daily high. I held overnight, expecting a morning drop after the big market run-up yesterday. After my morning day-job appt, I logged in to find the position near a support area so I covered for a gain. The large volume spike at 10:30 accompanied by a candle which had broad price range but with a tight open to close ratio was another clue that traders were taking profit and reversal was a high percentage play. And, my premonition came to pass: While changing my blog template and managing my blogger reading/following list after covering the overnight position, DRQ went on a tear upward, rising over a dollar per share in about 30 minutes. Glad I got out where I did. It is still running upward after taking the screen shot you see above. I must get back to my building project now, but may try to get to the market at the close for another try.

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