"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits."

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Friday July 23rd

No trades. Combination of day-job appts. and family visiting from Virginia.


  1. Do you mind me asking in what area you live in Maine? I used to own a restaurant in Portland.


  2. In the interest of privacy, I will only say that I am within an hour drive of Portland. However, in the 1980's I lived in Gorham and then later intown Portland while attending USM. Mrs. Bluecollar and I did live in Portland in the 1990's after we were married. Work takes me into Portland quite a bit and I love the small-city feel. It has been said that Portland has the second most restaurants per capita in the United States, bested only by San Francisco. To hear you once owned one of them surprises me only a little... :-)


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