"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits."

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I have written this a few times before over the life of this blog but I'm mentioning it again. If you are interested in anything you see here, then go to the definitive source for momentum trading on the net: http://www.bankrobbertrades.blogspot.com/

It is there you will find your holy grail. Here on bluecollartrader.blogspot.com, you will see information derived from my study and personal interpretations of what Scott Farnham provides at his bankrobber site. He provides trading guidance, examples of his many successes and the occassional stopped-out trade, a bit of trading behavioral/mental advice, and most importantly to me: inspiration to continue. What I do here is an homage in many ways to what he has created there, including my pledge to never run ads, charge for information, or do paid endorsements. I have nothing against commerce. On the contrary, you will find no more committed free-market capitalist than me anywhere. But you will not find it here, ever.

I appreciate those who stop here to see what goes on. If you are not doing it already, I recommend your blog reading and study start at Bankrobber, proceed to all the others, then end back there. That's my advice, for what it is worth.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Agreed. If there's one blog (make that: one site!) that a trader has to read on the internet, it is Bankrobbertrades.blogspot.com (and the archives at fearandgreedtrader.blogspot.com). He has an amazing ability to put his trading into words (and plenty of screenshots throughout the day). And he keeps everything so simple.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll review your remarks and post on the site assuming they are respectful.