"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits."

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Book Review

As I mentioned a week or so ago, Mrs. Bluecollar purchased Mark Douglas' book, "Trading in the Zone" for me. I received it last week from Amazon and have had a chance to read the first chapter. So far, so good. In fact: so far, so awesome. This is exactly what I was looking for and I can't wait to read more.
I'm hoping I don't run afoul of copyright laws when I excerpt:
"...I can state without a doubt that there are specific reasons why the best traders consistently out-perform everyone else. If I had to distill all of the reasons down to one, I would simply say that the best traders think differently from the rest."
"The defining characteristic that separates the consistent winners from everyone else is this: The winners have attained a mind-set-- a unique set of attitudes--that allows them to remain disciplined, focused, and, above all, confident in spite of the adverse conditions. As a result they are no longer susceptible to the common fears and trading errors which plague everyone else. Everyone who trades ends up learning something about the markets; very few people who trade ever learn the attitudes that are absolutely essential to becoming a consistent winner."
I will continue to snip out great pieces of this book, write it here, and credit it accordingly in hope that it will inspire you to pick up the book yourself.


  1. I thumbed through the book at the bookstore and was quite impressed just on a brief skim of it

  2. Trading in the Zone is a GREAT book! Let's try to learn the techniques and apply it in our trading.

    Good luck,

  3. Love this book and his other: The Disciplined Trader. Mark Douglas does a good job of analyzing what holds many traders/people back and what the best do in order to get ahead.

  4. I agree, Yng, RJ, and ryan. I had a chance to read two more chapters and into chapter four over the wek-end. There's so much good stuff there that I ended up highlighting most of every page!
    When I finish, I intend to re-read it right away.


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